Pink Floyd – Early years

Radio-, televisio- ja verkkojournalisti David Mawby luennoi Turun pääkirjaston musiikkiosastolla 30.3. klo  18 Pink Floyd –yhtyeen varhaistuotannosta ja pohtii Syd Barrettin kohtaloa; avautuiko vai sulkeutuiko hänen mielensä 60-luvulla?

Luento on englanniksi, mutta kysymyksiä voi esittää ja keskustella voi suomeksi.


In the mid sixties three students of architecture teamed up with a Cambridge-born art student to create a band that opened the doors of musical psychedelia the world over. Syd Barrett, Rick Wright, Nick Mason and Roger Waters formed the Pink Floyd, a band that for over half a century still continues to expand musical horizons for millions.

Radio, TV and online journalist David Mawby explores many of Pink Floyd’s saucerful of secrets on a musical journey that still echoes in the minds of fans old and new.

This presentation turns the clock back to the early years of the Floyd’s career and features tracks from both their first albums and singles. In between these nuggets, we also look at the late, great Syd Barrett and ask whether his mind was closed rather than opened by the psychedelic genie of the sixties?

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David introduces the early years of Pink Floyd at the Library of the City of Turku’s music department on Thursday, 30th of March at 6 p.m.

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